Shipping & Delivery Policy

All orders are subject to product availability. If an item in your order is unavailable, we will ship you the part of your order that is available. When that item becomes available, we will ship you the rest of your order. Shipping costs for your order are non-refundable and are based on the weight of the items you order and your location. The date of delivery for your order may vary due to carrier shipping practices, delivery location, method of delivery and the quantity of items ordered, and in addition your order may be delivered in separate shipments. Additional shipping charges may apply depending on your location and the size of your order. You are responsible for all taxes applicable to the delivery of your order, including sales tax, value added tax, custom duties and excise duties. If there is any damage to the items that you ordered on delivery, you must contact us within 5 days from receipt of your order.


We offer the following shipping options:

  • Free worldwide shipment (2-4 weeks depending ing on the country*)
  • Premium shipment (1-2 weeks depending on the country*) for an additional fee*.

Upon the recepit of the order we will process it, ship it and share with you the tracking number so that you can check whenever you want the status of your shipment.

We are available 24/7 for any inquiry regarding your package and, while it is very unlikely to have any issue as we use only reliable international and local shipping providers, we provide a full refund for any damanged or not delivered good.

Shipment options:

  • Free shipping
  • Premium shipping (4€ flat rate for Europe, 5$ flat rate for the rest of the world).

Delivery times:

  • Europe and UK: 3-4 weeks (free shipping), 2-3 weeks for premiuim shipping
  • USA: 3-4 weeks (free shipping), 2-3 weeks for premiuim shipping
  • Asia, Oceania and South America: 4-6 weeks depending on your country.

Our History

We started back in 1995, producing basic level tapes for different local industries and customers around and we officially founded Nano Tape Inc. in 2002 with the discovery and industrial development of Nano Tape™.

It was in 2002, a groundbreaking discovery revolutionized our trajectory. Collaborating with renowned institutions like the Manchester Centre for Mesoscience and Nanotechnology and the Institute for Microelectronics Technology, we introduced Nano Tape™ to the world.

Over the years, Nano Tape Inc. has emerged as a leading manufacturer and provider of cutting-edge adhesive solutions. Our journey began with the production of basic tapes, catering to local industries and customers.

Nano Tape™, also known as gecko tape, is a game-changing adhesive tape developed using synthetic setae. This innovative product comprises arrays of carbon nanotubes meticulously transferred onto a flexible polymer backing. By simulating the structures found on gecko feet, Nano Tape™ leverages carbon nanotube bundles and individual nanotubes to achieve exceptional shear adhesion. Weak van der Waals interactions are translated into powerful shear forces, allowing the tape to be easily peeled off, akin to a gecko lifting its foot. Furthermore, Nano Tape™ leaves no residue on the substrate, making it reusable multiple times—a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution.

Since our inception, Nano Tape Inc. has experienced remarkable growth and success. We have become a trusted name in the adhesive tape industry. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering, reflected in our diverse range of solutions that cater to a wide array of industries and applications.

Driven by our passion for innovation, in 2022, we embarked on an ambitious research and development program. This endeavor led to a groundbreaking achievement—a state-of-the-art filtration system that utilizes carbon nanotube technology to efficiently purify water by removing contaminants. This notable breakthrough not only solidified our reputation as forward-thinking leaders but also contributed to global efforts for clean and accessible water resources. Our product is still under development and will be released for commercial sales in 2025.

As we continue our journey, at Nano Tape Inc. we remain commited to provide the high-end quality products to our customers to satisfy all their needs.